Friday, May 10, 2013

I erased the equator and nine other shorts

Do not tell any one
When you were asleep
I erased the equator

When I grow up
I want to become Adonis
Or Borges or Joyce
Or Milton or Surdas
Blind, perhaps
Brilliant, definite

A dog barked at me
When I barked back
It recited doggerel

I walk, southwards
No breeze
I turned northwards
Three types of wind
On my face

Sometimes life is as simple as that
The sea said to me

My chemistry teacher told me
Do not be lazy like Argon
Aspire for more
Like that Nitrogen fellow

Yesterday, I did
What no man has done before me
I played chess in the boxing ring

A noisy crow
At my window
Upside down
Are you pretending to be a bat? I ask
He replies
I am trying to figure out
Why I've been exiled
From this city

My tathaa, a coffee merchant
Put snuff in his nostril
There is no Sanskrit word for caffeine
Since Thyagaraja didnt need it
Neither did Kamban

I went to my bookie
To wager a bet on I
The long and short of it was
I had to mortgage myself
Now I am left with one final sigh

The lowly policeman
Tried to administer
A honesty injection
Into the jurisdiction of the land
He was demoted forever

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