Sunday, February 25, 2007

My 20th encounter with the peacock

They say
I'm a black-marker vigilante
Poised I sit
With my black marker pen
The peacock asks me how are you doing, all good I hope?

I say, repairing punctuations
Doing the needful against apostrophes
Like all the mens and womens in my family

The last sentence, incidentally
I inform the peacock
Should conclude with a point d'ironie, known as a snark
What be that asks the peacock?
A back-to-front question mark,
Deployed by the 16th-century printer Henry Denham to signal rhetorical questions

The peacock yawns

While he is ignoring me
I make a correction in Marriage Halls's and Puppy's For Sale.
I correct Smile Your on Camera and No Entries

Plus the peacock's will go to the school tomorrow
To the peacocks will go to school tomorrow

To which the peacock replies
No school for me brothers and sisters
We dislike them-hyphens, we hate exclamation marks!!!!

Saying so, he reduces me to a little bauble of orthographic bling

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