Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My 27th encounter with the peacock

The peacock is practising
Flying backwards
Tutelaged by a senior humming bird

That day I ask myself five questions

The first one was about discoveries
Which was the better invention?
The fork, spoon and knife? Or the stone-age tools in Bastar and Dantewad?

What is nicer?
The buzz of cicadas in Mussoorie? Or the sweet smell of rotting leaves? Or the moss that grows haphazardly on my bathroom wall?

Which water is more important?
The Pacific ocean? The Atlantic ocean? Or the Taptapani hot water spring?

Which word is more popular?
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? Floccinaucinihilipilification?

What's the best way to fall in love?
In three-steps? Or in a life time?

I pause
In my search for answers
The peacock has flown off
Forward or backward
Or upside down
I'll know not

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