These days
Uday Prakash does not let me sleep
With his zeal for unhappiness
If he was born
During the regime of The First Emperor, Qin Shi Huang
His head would be nicely chopped off like the 460 scholars
His words burnt, crisply
With quail feathers
When the window in the sky opened
God sat there
Staring at a soaring crane behind a cloud
Offering toast and butter
I stood outside the building
I waited
I stared at a mendicant
Sans piece of cloth, or mind
He stirred
Stared at me
We did that for centuries
Our thoughts supporting the sky
Till a bell boomed
He ran to the church gate
With incredible speed
To resume begging
Under my hat, I smiled
At the railway station
I polished my sandals
Next to a make-shift temple
When the train arrived,
I entered it
Along with a bit of darkness
If I was a giant centipede
With dexterity in my fingers
I could have played the Hungarian Rhapsody
As well as Listz
I have butterflies in my stomach
All rare species
Two Odontoptilum Angulatas
And a Thaduka Multicaudata for company
Grammar, she is dead
The barbarians
Burned her effigy
Full stop
Full stop